Monday, November 10, 2008


We're thrilled to have been awarded the I LOVE YOUR BLOG Award from Night Owl Romance.

After receiving the award we must:
  1. Add the logo of your award to our blog.
  2. Add a link to the person who awarded it to you.
  3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
  4. Add links to those blogs on your blog.
  5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.

So who did Ci and I award this great award to?

  1. First up is The Romance Studio's Blog. They have a great mixture of authors who blog with them each month! We love The Romance Studio's website and all they do to help promote romance books! TRS blog

  2. Next is another blog where romance authors contribute eachmonth. The RomErotica Writers blog founder Marianne LaCroix is a great writer and promoter of other authors. Our hat's off to her generosity!

  3. Four Ladies Reading is a super site of four 'addicted' romance readers. We love WK, Livia, Debora, and Thia and their blog. You vixens rock!
  4. Sex Talk for Wicked Women is the Lady Jaided's general blog and is full of witty and irreverent sex talk and topics women are interested in discussing! Regular contributors, Jaid Blakc, Susan Edwards, Syneca, The Empress and Marshmallow. Thank you for exciting and controversial posts!
  5. The Hussies. Near and dear to our hearts are our fellow hussies. Outstanding authors and incredible women. We love them and enjoy sharing the journey with them. Hugs Hussies!
  6. Nicole Austin Nic is a dear friend and amazing author. She spends time on her blog helping to promote fellow authors with her amazing reviews. She's a very special person and deserves this award for such an outstanding selfless giving to readersa nd authors alike.
  7. Cerridwen Press Authors - A dedicated and fun-loving group of fellow authors of Jasmine-Jade Enterprizes imprint Cerridwen Press. We're inspired by their ability to make such engaging posts!

Well, that's our list. It was easy and difficult to choose from so many great blogs. Thanks again, Tammie King and Night Owl Romance for the great honor.

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