Friday, October 17, 2008

People Who Judge People Who Read Romance

Happy Friday Morning!

Sally asked me if I’d like to take a day each month to blog. Me? The self-professed non-blogger? You gotta start somewhere so I agreed to do it. Hey, who can say no to the woman who writes such sexy gargoyles?

The big dilemma – what to say. Should I talk about the gratification I experience when the Muse comes to visit and the latest WIP takes shape? Everyone who writes knows that feeling.

After much thought, I decided to talk about one of my pet peeves – people who judge people who read romance.

Romance isn’t a dirty word, no matter how some people try to make it so. I could care less what people think about the books I read. In fact, I’ve never cared. I’ve never hid my books from anyone, including my family. They knew not to touch.

Do you hide your books under a book cover? If you do, why? Are you embarrassed for the repairman or someone in a doctor’s office to see what you read?

What makes romance romance? Love between two individuals, right? So what’s wrong with reading a love story? Absolutely nothing! I read a lot of different genres, some not romance. I’ve listened to whispered comments by people who label Romance porn. Have you read some of the classic authors? My first introduction to explicit sex was when I read my first Harold Robbins novel, The Adventurers. Shocked? Yes, I was. Would I read it again? Of course. In fact, I might get it from the library and re-read it. Mother Dear threw away my copy. She labeled it as filth.

And what about those people who complain about so-called risque book covers? What’s the purpose of those things anyway? To titillate you, correct? I remember when friends referred to them as ‘bodice rippers.’ Crass and a little dumb, huh? I’ve seen the term used recently, too.

Who are these people to judge what you and I read? We won’t even think about those narrow-minded people who complain that the book covers are harmful to their children. Children belong in their own section of a bookstore.

Thanks for reading. I hope I haven’t put you to sleep today. Be kind, this is my first time.

Next month – Romance and the Holidays.

The Vixen Moderator and Lover of Books!

p.s. Remember, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Do yourself a favor! Get that mammogram. A few minutes of a little pain could save you a lifetime of pain and worry!


Sally Painter said...

YAY Claudia! I'm so thrilled to see you blogging with us. I agree about reading romance, of course, you knew I would. Many people still don't like that we women have our own genre and it is a huge slice of the overall publishing market. (eg)

N.J.Walters said...

It's odd that every other genre gets some amount of respect from others, but not romance.

People may turn up their noses at romance, but as Sally said, it makes up about half of mass market sales, if not more.

Great blog post!

WK said...

yes people do see Romance as a "dirty little secret" but it's amazing when they realize how much money is made from book sales of romance!LOL

As for book covers, I've used them, but not to "hide" my book, but to protect it.If I know in advance I'm taking it to the beach or somewhere that the cover might fade or get wet or torn, I'll use a book cover. I hate for my books to be damaged in any way.

And personally I love the "bodice ripper" covers. I don't like the comic or flowery covers. I buy romance partly for a HOT man, so Iwant to see HIM.


Anonymous said...

oh man, you're getting brave - venturing into the wide world of blogging :) LOL

Anyway, you know I love romance - any romance. Doesn't seem to matter which subgenre. And nope I don't hide them from anyone. Everybody knows what I read, heck Cody even brags about his mom reviewing - so does the hubby (not that it does him any good mind you - he's still not getting any) :)

Oh yes, I love the hot covers... give me a naked man chest and I'm there. Even before I started reading ebooks I prefered the hot covers. Not that the stories beneath the tamer covers aren't as good but I gravitate towards the eye popping ones first.